Olson Acts to Reauthorize the FAA, Improve Disaster Recovery

Press Release

Date: April 27, 2018
Location: Washington, DC

Rep Pete Olson (TX-22) today acted to help the flying public by reauthorizing the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Olson voted for H.R. 4, the FAA Reauthorization Act, which also includes critical disaster reforms to help communities better prepare for natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey. This bipartisan bill reauthorizes the FAA for five years, provides stability for our aviation community, invests in airports, strengthens passenger protections and improves America's competitiveness in the global aviation industry. It also includes key reforms to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which will help reduce the impact of future disasters by focusing on pre-disaster mitigation projects. H.R. 4 passed the House by a vote of 393-13 and now heads to the Senate for consideration.

"Recent reports of safety issues and mistreatment of passengers on commercial planes highlight the need for action," Rep. Pete Olson said. "This bill will help ensure passenger safety and protect their rights. It will help foster growth and innovation so our manufacturers and aviation community can compete internationally and employ millions of Americans. I'm also thrilled with the critical reforms to FEMA that will allow our communities to be better prepared in the future should disaster strike."

Highlights of H.R. 4

Reauthorizes the Federal Aviation Administration for 5 years
Keeps America the world leader in aviation by putting American jobs, American innovation, and the traveling public first.
Cuts Washington red tape so that our manufacturers can get products to market on time, stay competitive globally, and continue to employ millions of Americans.
Encourages American innovation in aviation technologies to promote a stronger American workforce.
Ensures that our airport infrastructure connects our businesses and the increasing number of air travelers to the world.
Gives the American traveling public a better flight experience.
Ensures our system remains the safest in the world for air travelers and addresses factors related to recent incidents.

The Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA):

Focuses on building smarter and building better before disaster strikes.
$1 invested in pre-disaster mitigation saves $4 to $8 in avoided recovery costs.
Recognizes the benefits of taking action before a catastrophe occurs, and reforms FEMA and the Stafford Act by ensuring that a percentage of assistance provided in the wake of disasters is invested in pre-disaster hazard mitigation so that states, tribal, and local governments can pre-empt the damage and distress that results from disasters.
Clarifies what may be eligible for mitigation funding, making sure investments are cost effective and reduce risk.
Speeds recovery by creating efficiencies in FEMA's programs such as getting structures inspected faster.
